My blogging is very much a case of punctuated equilibrium in recent years, long periods of quiet, followed by a bit of activity. I hope to improve that in the near future. Meanwhile, here is a list of blog posts.
Note that this list is vastly underpopulated as I have yet to migrate all the material over from my old blog!
- 2023
- Using Deep Learning to find cyclones in model output
- Draft ENES Infrastructure Strategy Open for Comment
- Dual Tariffs for EVs Don't Play Nicely with Heatpumps
- 2021
- Two new preprints
- Under the hood of a Digital Twin ESM
- Digital Earths - The fourth phase of (ESM) modelling maturity?
- What is a digital twin?
- When failure to share data costs lives
- 2020
- The future of the ESGF
- Humans in climate models
- On scientific software - reproducibility
- On scientific software - definitions
- On scientific software - scope
- On scientific software - a beginning
- 2018
- Workload Revisited
- Getting to know an Ipad: Week One
- Workload - Where does Bryan spend his time?
- Requirements for a global data infrastructure in support of CMIP6
- 2017
- The Exascale Challenge to the UK - Part Tree - Capacity
- The CF Data Model Paper Appears
- The Exascale Challenge to the UK - Part Two - Compute
- The Exascale Challenge to the UK - Part One
- Dr Matt Jones
- Science and the Digital Revolution - Data, Standards, and Integration
- Week Eight
- Weeks Six and Seven
- Space and Open Plan Offices
- Week Five
- Why so much data? Part I - The rise of direct numerical simulation
- Week Four
- Week Three
- Week Two
- Week One
- Back to the Future - I think therefore I WILL blog
- 2015
- playing with docker
- A citation and provenance system for climate modelling
- Pagico Experience at week one.
- Pagico and getting things done
- 2014
- Leptoukh Lecture
- Building your own JASMIN Virtual Machine
- simulation documents
- Updated version of the model documentation plots
- NCAS Science Conference, Bristol
- The vocabulary of documenting models
- 2013
- Accessing JASMIN from Android
- vertical resolution
- zotero, zandy, greader, evernote, and me
- Vertical and Horizontal Resolution
- Storing and manipulating environmental big data with JASMIN
- Gavin's Proposal
- github repo for badc text file code
- confusion on dois
- On CMIP6 and DOIs
- On advocacy
- 2012
- AGU Fall Meeting 2012
- A tale of two ethics
- 2011
- Reviewing Parson and Fox on the data publication metaphor
- Communicating Science (to the media)
- data scientists are anally retentive too!
- European Exascale Software Initiative
- Thought provoking talk on climate policy
- hpc futures - part two
- Pushing Water Analogies too far
- Weather Forecasting's Bad Name
- Numerical Observation Time
- Citation, Digital Object Identifiers, Persistence, Correction and Metadata
- 2010
- Australian Adventures
- Can we put distributed query to bed please?
- Tales from the EA linux coal front
- Instances and Properties
- The choice is python
- Integrating data handling libraries
- cyberinfrastructure for data
- Climate Roulette
- Public Opinion and Climate Change
- Surface Temperature Workshop
- hpc futures - part one
- Janet Futures
- two sides of the same coin
- too much trac and twitter?
- Provenance, processes and O&M
- AR5 Timetable
- To shred or not to shred?
- Computing capacity, capability, climate simulations and impacts.
- Quotation of the day
- hollow world and svngate revisited
- 2009
- Oh no I can't keep up ..
- Clouds Revisited
- The Back of the Envelope and the Removal of Guilt
- Drawn into climategate
- Still here
- erase to transparency
- my hero
- Reading in 2009, 15-18 - Teenage action fodder for summer
- The relationship between collecting metadata, and the optimum size of a child's plate of food
- contrails
- Reading in 2009, 14 - Canadian Wildish West
- Bryan's Fishy Example
- cf standard names growth
- UM Crack Cocaine
- Reading in 2009, 13 - Songs of Earth and Power
- ukcp09
- holidays
- Reading in 2009, 12 - Roman capers
- Interoperability, Data Fusion and Mashups
- Aral sea dessication
- A controlled vocabulary for advection schemes
- Reading in 2009, 11 - One to miss
- confidence and competence
- the doi saga continued
- Peak Everything revisited
- unhinged doi - who ya gonna call?
- Reading in 2009, 10 - Careless in Red
- Catalogues, Shopping Carts and Portals
- Journals and Data Curation
- Resource Reality
- i had to laugh, part 2
- i had to laugh
- kubuntu frustration ... again
- Reading in 2009, 9 - Under Enemy Colours
- Busy Week
- lowering my co2 emissions one step more
- Reading in 2009, 6,7,8 - The Language of the Stones Trilogy
- WCS is dead, long live WFS
- sun_oracle
- Tales from the EGU
- Scientific Method
- Newark Liberty International Airport
- Reading 2009, 5 - Pillars need shortening
- the publication ecosystem
- ukrds
- irony
- Strongly Defend Weakly Held Positions
- obscurity
- NDG papers appear in Phil Trans
- Reading in 2009, 4 - Engleby not for me
- when the paparazzi are ok
- bbc goes to rdf
- Reading in 2009, 2 - Water Supply
- Reading in 2009, 3 - Miss Smilla
- SD cards to the rescue
- Heat not Drought
- EGU 2009
- Two degrees of Warming
- curation and specification
- Reading in 2009, 1 - Six Degrees
- european summer drying
- blimey! solar wind and tropical cyclones
- 2008
- Kia Kaha My Boy
- Nearest Book
- exist memory and stability
- CMIP5 - The Federation
- tales from the sleep deprived
- lack of service
- peak everything
- delicious on konqueror
- Virtual Conferencing
- Reading Time and Reading Speed - both adrift
- why global warming is too slow
- Defining a Metamodel - Part One
- Balancing Harmonisation
- Oil Demand
- Formalising Information Model Development
- Model Intercomparison, Resolution, Ensembles
- The Rising Storm
- anatomy of a mip - part2
- exposing mips in moles
- The anatomy of a mip
- moles basic concepts
- Having our granule cake and eating it too
- Simple Thinking
- Identifiers, Persistence and Citation
- EA and Subversion, Resolved
- Introducing Metafor
- Metadata, Effort and Scope
- Cost Models
- Beginning to get a grip on ORE
- From ORE to DublinCore
- RDF software stacks.
- chaiten
- Big Java
- atom for moles
- Implementing my RDFa wiki code
- creating RDFa
- First time grant holder experience
- More on the windows subversion client under wine.
- On typed links.
- Semis here we come
- Notes on brief service descriptions and bindings
- Subversion under WINE
- more MOLES version two thinking
- early MOLES version two thinking
- The Scope of ISO19115
- Online Resources in ISO19115 and MOLES
- More quotations - Static Maps, Public Trusts, and Bad Processes
- authkit and pylons don't quite fit
- on global warming urgency
- Finding is not enough
- Data Publication
- Moving Modelling Forward ... in small steps
- Using more computer power, revisited
- Whither service descriptions
- Why is climate modelling stuck?
- virtualenv
- the leonardo file system
- 2007
- discovery and google
- raw and refereed data
- A definition of intelligence
- On SQL and XML
- On Measuring Research Outputs
- Yet More Digital Silence
- Citation and Claddier
- Interoperability is just over the horizon ... always
- Spring
- 2006
- Access Control
- Service Orientated Architecture - Two Years On!
- Service Descriptions
- No Silver Bullet Exists
- Wireless Internet Blackspot - Australia
- A proposal for profiling ISO19139
- browser crap
- climate change speed
- Answers.Yahoo.Com to the rescue
- Citing data with ISO19139
- Persistence
- Citation, Hosting and Publication
- On substitution groups and ISO19139
- More on citation - part three, delving
- More on citation - part two, MST
- More on citation - part one, ashoe
- Diesel v Petrol
- to extend or not to extend ...
- On Access Control
- Granule Concepts
- what is bt up to this time?
- Affording Interfaces
- On Processing Affordance
- Curious as to how this forecast goes.
- What does a forecast icon mean?
- The Great British Summer
- Service Binding
- More on Data Citation
- More Meteorological Time
- Some practicalities with ISO19139
- The Lockin results in the Exeter Communique
- Journals and Blogging
- Meteorological Time
- Some Trackback code
- web service wars
- Might trackback grow up?
- Merging Metadata Always Lowers Quality
- Bibliographic References, ISO19115 and NumSim
- New version of NumSim available
- Oxford Seminar in March
- Whither parameters in metadata
- 2005
- Data Citation
- Hemel Hempstead Fire
- Solar Irradiance and Sunspot Cycles
- Self Contradiction
- On Moores Law
- Trajectory Support for campaigns
- Beijing Beauty
- Service Chaining
- Nature DOI Failure
- Metadata, XML and Deja Vu
- Solar Influence on Recent Climate
- Business Models and Curation
- ERA40 Precipitation and Antarctic Ice
- Terms and Conditions
- Dual Core Opterons
- Grid Architecture
- Citation Decay Rate
- Glaciers Indicate Temperature Increase
- Copyright, Blogs and Fair Use
- Managing Action Items
- Sleepless in Oxfordshire
- Fine Excuse for Digital Silence
- Satellite Temperature Trends
- Function Creep and Institutional Repositories
- Attention Deficit Trait
- Debunking Crichton Done for Me
- JISC Digital Rights Meeting
- Linus spoof letter to Bill Gates
- ICSU Recommendations
- Python Eggs
- SOA Design Principles
- Sea Level Rise Predictions
- DDT and Malaria
- Peopleware
- Cloud Feedbacks
- When is a webservice a grid service?
- Your website really does need to be current
- Why blogging is good for you (and yes we need a policy)
- Meteorological RSS Feeds
- More State of Fear
- Content Management, Wikis, Blogging etc
- HinesParameterisation
- What is a Web Service
- Internet Explorer REALLY Sucks
- Matplotlib
- State of Fear, pick my timeseries
- M2Crypto Woes
- Orographic cloud in a GCM - the missing cirrus
- Broadband Frustration
- State of Fear, the beginning
- DataDeluge
- Testing, Extreme Programming and Demos
- Sunday Morning Procrastination
- Upgraded to v166
- there is no such thing as a foolish question
- FreeAccess
- State of Fear, Part 1
- Atomic content in NCAS
- Internet Explorer Sucks
- Model Resolution, Ensembles and Physics
- generateDS
- Massachusetts Contributes to easier Document Curation
- Python Gui Kits
- A view of an iceberg/glacier collision from Space
- Open Source Licenses
- Searching Techniques
- On Energy Supplies
- On Binary XML
- 2004
- Verifyable Statements
- Meteorology versus Money
- Service Orientated Architecture
- Elements and Attributes
- Nice review of RSS and scientific publishing
- xml databases
- Why Python?
- renewables
- More on Trackbacks
- Climate Change
- Citation
- Trackback
- forecast xml
- Python and Java
- Digital Signatures and Digital Preservation
- b-schema
- xmlsec
- Is Access Grid worth it?
- Maths and Blogging
- Knowledge Management Horizon
- Inaugural Post